Sunday, June 8, 2008

May 16th: Medical Merry-Go-Round, Part 3

All of yesterday's sunshine left for cold and rain today. The weather was quite appropriate given today's tasks. We had to return to the lab to drop off the stool and urine samples and have them try to draw the remaining 4 vials of blood for the myriad of tests that Dr. Tang ordered. I knew neither of us would enjoy this trip.

We tried twice already this week to get a urine sample and had one more shot at it this morning. (Do you know how to get a urine sample from a toddler? All I can say is, "Ouch".) Willow guzzled as much as she could. I figured with all of that liquid some of it just had to make it into the bag. No such luck.

Willow diligently tries to zipper up her sweatshirt to protect her from the nasty weather.

She gave it a really good try! (Now why doesn't she work on stacking blocks as intensely?!)

We drop off the collected samples; the prescribed amount of blood is finally drawn with much crying, screaming and flailing. Lucky us, we are given more urine collection bags and head back home to recuperate from the trauma of the day.

Next up is the Early Intervention evaluation on the 21st.

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